Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Crisis - within and without

To me this crisis is a not just a crisis in financial matters but a crisis in consciousness. All things begin in mind, whether it's a bridge, and new home, a new job, or a lack of such. If our minds are polluted with thoughts of lack and limitation, we'll automatically turn in that direction. So obviously the predominant thought acting out in our individual minds and hence our national consciousness, has been "There's not enough, I need more, or I am not worthy of enough." We built this mess we're in through years and years of fear and greed and lack-a-holic conditioning. I say "Basta! Enough!"

It has been said, "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." The blind cannot lead the blind.

It is my life intention to shift the consciouness of this country and this world from lack and limitation to prosperity and abundance. This is a major undertaking, one I work on within myself each and every day. But it is work that can be and must be done, or we will only repeat the problems of today.