Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Relentlessly Creative

I read this past weekend a quote from a fellow named Alton Brown: “Creativity doesn’t bless the idle. You have to work. Work and the creativity will come – if it feels like it.”

As I’m sitting in my morning meditation I hear the clink of small stones on the glass wall of our aquarium. Our Cichlid is building his nest, yet again. He will move half of the stone on the bottom of our tank before he is done. And all to prepare a nest for a mate he doesn’t have! He is relentless in his creative endeavor.

I behold the creative in you relentlessly expressing as you move onward.

All love,


Monday, March 16, 2009

Prosperity Prep Work

I have to tell you about my friend Linda Anderson's Prosperity Preparedness workshop I am taking this month. I've known Linda since about 2002, and have taught classes with her over the years: 4T at Unity, and A Spiritual Approach to Retirement Planning. We even convened a weekly breakfast business meeting for business owners for a couple of years.

It had been a while since I last played with her, so when she offered a 4 week introductory class to her year long coaching program, I joined in the fun.

Her premise is that we are all naturally adept at creating the lives we think we deserve: just look at the evidence around us. We created this!

And we can create the lives of our dreams once we uproot the nattering nabobs of negativity residing within us. So far we've covered a lot of material in a very short time: The ground of our being, the Law of Attraction, Self worth and net worth, Faith, and much, much more.

I'm looking forward to the next two weeks of her class, and will report back again when we are complete, if that is ever a possibility! For more information go to

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Remember to keep trusting yourself

It is so easy to get down and discouraged given the current state of affairs. I strongly suggest you read and re-read my friend and mentor Gail Minogue's March newsletter to break the spell, get a better perspective and find great ideas for moving forward. There is so much here to help us all. Enjoy. Prosper.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Crisis - within and without

To me this crisis is a not just a crisis in financial matters but a crisis in consciousness. All things begin in mind, whether it's a bridge, and new home, a new job, or a lack of such. If our minds are polluted with thoughts of lack and limitation, we'll automatically turn in that direction. So obviously the predominant thought acting out in our individual minds and hence our national consciousness, has been "There's not enough, I need more, or I am not worthy of enough." We built this mess we're in through years and years of fear and greed and lack-a-holic conditioning. I say "Basta! Enough!"

It has been said, "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." The blind cannot lead the blind.

It is my life intention to shift the consciouness of this country and this world from lack and limitation to prosperity and abundance. This is a major undertaking, one I work on within myself each and every day. But it is work that can be and must be done, or we will only repeat the problems of today.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Can I walk and chew gum at the same time?

Can I walk and chew gum at the same time? Is it possible to hold two conflicting ideas in mind at the same time? How about knowing you are prosperous while experiencing a world of lack and limitation? Sounds like fun, let's try this at home:

Stand in your power position, grounded in your inner truth, your "I Am" presence, know yourself as uniquely you, and prosperous beyond comprehension. Now think of your bank balance, and the bills that need to be paid. What arises?

Tightness perhaps, or an inner shrinking maybe. But doesn't it arise in the midst of plenty, like the stars appear in an ocean of darkness?

Our grounding is in an expanded awareness, what the Buddhists call our innate natural goodness.

What is left when all else is gone? Insight tells me what's left is the creative impulse, the stuff of the cosmos, continually self-creating. We can always have a new response to the same stimulii, once we awaken to the conditioning.

Perhaps the truth of it is, our lackaholic tendencies, our self limiting beliefs, have conditioned us to a world of lack and limitation seemingly self-apparent, but aren't these themselves creations of mind!?

As James Allen wrote in As A Man Thinketh, we are what we think. Pretty 'heady' stuff, so for the romantics in all of us, we are what we hold in our hearts, what we believe ourselves to be.

James Allen also says in the same book, "You cannot get figs from thistles," that the natural order of the cosmos is to self-generate and to create in it's own image and likeness. As science tells us, we are stardust, many billions of years in progression, true children of the cosmos therefore we are all creative geniuses!

Time to get creative. Acknowledge the yapping chihuahua in the corner, ask it to stay still a moment as we reconnect to our inner truth, and remember our innate natural goodness. Suffering beings are innumerable, I vow to enlighten them all.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Make The Time. You are a Creative Genius, so do it!

This is a message I sent to some of my prosperity consciousness students today.

Please make the time to participate! All too often I also consider dropping the use of support groups because “I don’t have the time.” This is when we need mastermind partners the most. Here’s why:

We experience a lack of time as much as we experience a lack of prosperity, in and through our egos.

As you go through life, what is the story you are telling yourself? Are you mostly alone or mostly supported by friends and family (and Spirit?) “I have to do this myself,” or “It’s me against the world,” or “I don’t have time,” and the like, are major limiters of our good and prime causes of disharmony with the Cosmos. Got to let them go and get on with living fully.

The loving support of like-minded friends is a great way to break out of that rut. So make the time. Open to the truth of your spirit.

Also it’s not just for yourself that you gather, it’s for the others in the group, too! "As you give, so shall you receive."

And if the group is losing members then it is possible you as a group are not meeting their needs; perhaps too much time is spent in chat and not enough in prayerful encounters. Remember your prime directive: To see the perfection and not the distress. To hold each other in powerful positive perception, because believing is seeing!

Here’s my latest mantra: “I refuse to let the appearance of lack affect my experience of abundance. I am prosperous! I am prosperous is strength, energy, time and money. I and the Father/Mother are one. The whole world rises to support me in every way, everyday.”

Make the time for prayerful support and recognition of Self. Do it with a mastermind group. Meet regularly, once a week is best, and in person at least once a month. There is power to be had: “Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, therefore also AM I.”

Live it, love it, and laugh about it,


Thursday, January 08, 2009

From The True Wealth Community news

"When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life." -Greg Anderson

Achieve Your Goals by Moving Beyond Discipline, Willpower, and Perseverance

Are you tired of going through the same old goal-setting routine then kicking yourself at the end of the year for not following through? Have you ever set goals and then a few weeks later, lost interest as the day-to-day "stuff" of life and business got in the way? Sound familiar? Perhaps it is time you tried a new goal-setting strategy.

Here is a more effective way to set goals and actually achieve them.

First, gain clarity. Identify exactly what you want out of your life. Design your perfect day, perfect month, perfect year, and perfect life. You cannot set goals, let alone achieve goals, if you do not know what you want out of life. Remember the Blueprinting Process(TM)!

Second, scratch discipline, willpower, perseverance, and their synonyms from your vocabulary. The characteristics represented by these words will not get you to your destination. Why? Because they lack two things - emotions and values. For example, let's say you drive your kids to school in the morning. Do you do that because you have discipline, willpower, or perseverance? No. You do it because you love your kids, you want to see them succeed, and you enjoy spending that quality time with them.

Third, set goals that are imbued with strong emotions and are connected to your deepest values. For example, let's say your goal is to, "Increase my personal income by 25% for the year." Okay, where's the emotion behind that goal? How does increasing your income by 25% tie to a strong value? Many people simply set goals because they know that is what they are supposed to do, but they give little thought to the meaning behind achieving those goals. Here is a better way to state that goal - "Increase my personal income by 25% so I can add $10,000 to my children's college education fund." Now you have emotions and values tied into your goal and the likelihood of achieving that goal just rose dramatically.

Fourth, replace discipline, willpower, perseverance, and their ilk with an all-encompassing action called rituals. When you add a powerful emotion and a deeply held value to an activity, it no longer requires discipline, willpower, or perseverance to accomplish. Instead, it turns into a ritual. Rituals are activities you perform because you want to, not because you feel you have to. You do these activities because they are fueled by emotions and values. Rituals pull you to action versus discipline, willpower, and perseverance, which require you to push yourself to action.

The next time you set goals, identify the emotions and values that will drive your actions toward achieving those goals. If you cannot tie any emotions and values to those goals, then you have the wrong goals and you need to start over. Setting goals that are backed with strong emotions and connected to deeply-held values will ensure that your next goal-setting process will be your most rewarding.

Until Next Time,

Your True Wealth Community Team
Copyright 2007, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, January 07, 2009 News

The latest from my friends at Oscar Gruss & Co., an article by Caroline Baum at Bllomberg. Guess what folks, the sky is not falling, it only seems that way. Remember: Do not let appearances deceive you. Do not let the appearance of lack affect your experience of prosperity. You are what you eat. News

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Gail Minogue - Numerology

Once again my friend and teacher Gail Minogue has penned a great overview of the current situation and what we must be doing to stay on top of it. Check it out: Gail Minogue - Numerology