Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Relentlessly Creative

I read this past weekend a quote from a fellow named Alton Brown: “Creativity doesn’t bless the idle. You have to work. Work and the creativity will come – if it feels like it.”

As I’m sitting in my morning meditation I hear the clink of small stones on the glass wall of our aquarium. Our Cichlid is building his nest, yet again. He will move half of the stone on the bottom of our tank before he is done. And all to prepare a nest for a mate he doesn’t have! He is relentless in his creative endeavor.

I behold the creative in you relentlessly expressing as you move onward.

All love,


Monday, March 16, 2009

Prosperity Prep Work

I have to tell you about my friend Linda Anderson's Prosperity Preparedness workshop I am taking this month. I've known Linda since about 2002, and have taught classes with her over the years: 4T at Unity, and A Spiritual Approach to Retirement Planning. We even convened a weekly breakfast business meeting for business owners for a couple of years.

It had been a while since I last played with her, so when she offered a 4 week introductory class to her year long coaching program, I joined in the fun.

Her premise is that we are all naturally adept at creating the lives we think we deserve: just look at the evidence around us. We created this!

And we can create the lives of our dreams once we uproot the nattering nabobs of negativity residing within us. So far we've covered a lot of material in a very short time: The ground of our being, the Law of Attraction, Self worth and net worth, Faith, and much, much more.

I'm looking forward to the next two weeks of her class, and will report back again when we are complete, if that is ever a possibility! For more information go to

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Remember to keep trusting yourself

It is so easy to get down and discouraged given the current state of affairs. I strongly suggest you read and re-read my friend and mentor Gail Minogue's March newsletter to break the spell, get a better perspective and find great ideas for moving forward. There is so much here to help us all. Enjoy. Prosper.