Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Can I walk and chew gum at the same time?

Can I walk and chew gum at the same time? Is it possible to hold two conflicting ideas in mind at the same time? How about knowing you are prosperous while experiencing a world of lack and limitation? Sounds like fun, let's try this at home:

Stand in your power position, grounded in your inner truth, your "I Am" presence, know yourself as uniquely you, and prosperous beyond comprehension. Now think of your bank balance, and the bills that need to be paid. What arises?

Tightness perhaps, or an inner shrinking maybe. But doesn't it arise in the midst of plenty, like the stars appear in an ocean of darkness?

Our grounding is in an expanded awareness, what the Buddhists call our innate natural goodness.

What is left when all else is gone? Insight tells me what's left is the creative impulse, the stuff of the cosmos, continually self-creating. We can always have a new response to the same stimulii, once we awaken to the conditioning.

Perhaps the truth of it is, our lackaholic tendencies, our self limiting beliefs, have conditioned us to a world of lack and limitation seemingly self-apparent, but aren't these themselves creations of mind!?

As James Allen wrote in As A Man Thinketh, we are what we think. Pretty 'heady' stuff, so for the romantics in all of us, we are what we hold in our hearts, what we believe ourselves to be.

James Allen also says in the same book, "You cannot get figs from thistles," that the natural order of the cosmos is to self-generate and to create in it's own image and likeness. As science tells us, we are stardust, many billions of years in progression, true children of the cosmos therefore we are all creative geniuses!

Time to get creative. Acknowledge the yapping chihuahua in the corner, ask it to stay still a moment as we reconnect to our inner truth, and remember our innate natural goodness. Suffering beings are innumerable, I vow to enlighten them all.

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