Friday, January 09, 2009

Make The Time. You are a Creative Genius, so do it!

This is a message I sent to some of my prosperity consciousness students today.

Please make the time to participate! All too often I also consider dropping the use of support groups because “I don’t have the time.” This is when we need mastermind partners the most. Here’s why:

We experience a lack of time as much as we experience a lack of prosperity, in and through our egos.

As you go through life, what is the story you are telling yourself? Are you mostly alone or mostly supported by friends and family (and Spirit?) “I have to do this myself,” or “It’s me against the world,” or “I don’t have time,” and the like, are major limiters of our good and prime causes of disharmony with the Cosmos. Got to let them go and get on with living fully.

The loving support of like-minded friends is a great way to break out of that rut. So make the time. Open to the truth of your spirit.

Also it’s not just for yourself that you gather, it’s for the others in the group, too! "As you give, so shall you receive."

And if the group is losing members then it is possible you as a group are not meeting their needs; perhaps too much time is spent in chat and not enough in prayerful encounters. Remember your prime directive: To see the perfection and not the distress. To hold each other in powerful positive perception, because believing is seeing!

Here’s my latest mantra: “I refuse to let the appearance of lack affect my experience of abundance. I am prosperous! I am prosperous is strength, energy, time and money. I and the Father/Mother are one. The whole world rises to support me in every way, everyday.”

Make the time for prayerful support and recognition of Self. Do it with a mastermind group. Meet regularly, once a week is best, and in person at least once a month. There is power to be had: “Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, therefore also AM I.”

Live it, love it, and laugh about it,


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